

What We Do

We understand that creativity helps people live well. It allows us to contribute, make connections and look after our culture. We enable communities to access quality arts and making activities, which we recognise and protect as human rights.


We are an experienced creative consultancy for the care, housing, education and voluntary sectors. We help groups setup flexible activity spaces with adaptable tools and good value arts and making materials. My work was shortlisted for the Arts Health South West Prize in 2016 and in 2018 we received a Transform Ageing award.

Products and services

We offer an innovative wraparound service of direct and distant support to improve the health and wellbeing of your community. We work with you to design the service and meet your needs; providing direct sessions, delivering resource boxes, training and online support.

Planning and delivery of community arts and making

We specialise in providing mobile arts activity services. We work with individuals to plan sessions that meet their preferences, giving them the skills to live well; whilst developing strategies to help manage their behaviours, thoughts and feelings.

Active beneficiaries of our work include people with physical and sensory disabilities, learning disabilities, those managing mental health problems and other long-term health conditions. We are also experienced in working with specific BAME audiences. 

We reinvent creative processes to enable all audience to access art and making.

Costs start at £65 a session including consumables

Delivery of activity boxes

We can deliver arts and making boxes, which include plans, instructions with adaptations, tools and materials. These activities can be facilitated by a coordinator, volunteer or provide meaningful independent activity.

We offer these for up to 50 weeks in a year. Please note we recommend a training package before using this service.

Annual subscription for a monthly delivery starts at £230.

Web based resources and email activities plans 

Mitber.com will provide a free place to share, search and collaborate on activities. We also offer online consultation with arts professionals.

We provide weekly activities via email for group facilitators, including tested instructions and templates. Annual subscriptions start at £55.

Smartphone photography

For those audiences who need to get out and about we offer smartphone photography courses, these are a great way to take the steps to live well. These courses are supported and sustained by our online ‘mitber photoclub’ which gives members a place to share photos and work towards a theme each month.

Cost for an 8 week block starts at £680

Training for staff and volunteers

We inspire activity providers to design and sustain creative activities in their care setting.

  • Advocate for cultural activities for their community
  • Design their own activities and share them, try out new activities
  • Identify how people can take part and engage new audiences
  • Make more connections to local community groups and work with them to share cultural activities

Cost for 8 weekly sessions, each 2 hours, for 8 people, with mentoring and a discounted annual membership, starts at £1340.